"why 3 chances? i use the 3 fingers rule."
wonder why that people usually give others 3 chances to do better? ever think of it?
to me, its simple. i use the 3 fingers rule to interpret it. here how it goes:
pick a hand and take the last 3 fingers from your hand (any last 3 would do, which could be your pinky, ring and middle finger OR thumb, index and middle finger) and close the other two. and start either from your pinky finger or your thumb (depending on which last 3 fingers you choose).
and here is how i interpret it:
after giving the first chance (pinky or thumb), you give the person another chance freely thinking that he/she would change.
after giving the second chance (index or ring finger), you will give the person another chance but this time you think twice about it.
the last chance (middle finger), you wont give that person a fuck shit about whether he/she will change or not. that is why the middle finger is showing up. and if that person still don't change for the better, then just don't care about it. knowing that after 3 chances is given and still no change? forget it. no more chances given.
simple as that.
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