There are three happenings that made my life happier person! :)
Let me see....
The first thing is that I SAW HER while on the way to work Thursday!
My day started off slow and bored but when I saw her, it really turn my day around!
Thanks ALLAH for that day! :) Hehe!
I kinda worked 4 days straight this week! From Thursday to Today(Sunday). But I didnt feel the tiredness as I was enjoy working! The people at my training workplace was just great I tell you!
Kinda did my Bar Test today and it turn out to be great! All the drinks made are fine and now! Im officially a PTB! Haha!
Other than the work and happened to see her tat day, was the dinner gathering that the BPS Band Alumni have organized! With people like Yeeju, Siewchee, Beth and Siling, there's nothing that gonna spoil the dinner! Haha! Kinda made Yeeju laughed kinda hard! It was funny la!! The way she laughed was funny too! It was like crazy! Long time didnt hear she laughed that way! LOL! And one more thing, YJ told me something about what SC had in her phone and it was kinda funny! Haha!
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