Sunday, June 08, 2008

friend: "Hey Bear! Why do I always see you happy and smiling?"
me: "Coz there's so much of it in me."

friend: "What is the 'it'?"

me: "Happiness."

friend: "Ohh. Ok. Then what are the things that keeps you going?"
me: "My Family and Friends. They makes me Happy, Smiling and Laughing."

"That's all I need."

Hey! It has been a hectic week! Tests, tests and more tests! As well as a touch of Projects! Haha! It's kinda tiring as I often slept late because of it! The last time I studied so hard for a test was not a test but for a EXAM! And that was the 'O' levels! LOL!

BPS Band Camp!

Went to the BPS Band camp on Monday(2nd June) and Tuesday(3rd June). It was great! Get to meet all the crazy guys and gals from the same batch of band members! Haha! It's great! I realise that my batch of band members got lots of malay guys! That makes it even better! Got a bunch of talented and crazy-ass malay musicians! LOL! Anyway, we got a concert coming soon! There are other concerts that I'm involved in to! Here are the dates and the types of concert!

4th July 2008 - Oeuvre (A concert with the Main Band @ SCH)

19th July 2008 - A Quintet performance at VivoCity! (A 5 brass section which only includes 2 Trumpet, A French Horn, A Tuba and a Trombone)

6th September 2008 - A Combined Alumni Concert with Whitley at VCH

Three concerts in 3 months! That's something new for me! Haha!


It will be held on 16th June and the location is at Pasir Ris! I hope the whole class could make it coz the last BBQ we had on last year September, only some could make it. I think only half make it last time. But the Chalet we had on March was a successful one with almost all could make it! Haha! BRILLIANT!!


I know that all of you have heard or seen the show THE SIMPSONS. I have seen it since I was way younger! Haha! And do you wanna look like one of them? There's a website that could make you into a SIMPSONS! Here is the website:

And this is ME!

I know that it doesn't look like me but I LIKE IT! Haha!


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