stay tuned to my recent doings this holiday! :D
smiles makes the world go round
The Days of My LIFE! These are the Flashcards of My Life...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009

"why 3 chances? i use the 3 fingers rule."
wonder why that people usually give others 3 chances to do better? ever think of it?
to me, its simple. i use the 3 fingers rule to interpret it. here how it goes:
pick a hand and take the last 3 fingers from your hand (any last 3 would do, which could be your pinky, ring and middle finger OR thumb, index and middle finger) and close the other two. and start either from your pinky finger or your thumb (depending on which last 3 fingers you choose).
and here is how i interpret it:
after giving the first chance (pinky or thumb), you give the person another chance freely thinking that he/she would change.
after giving the second chance (index or ring finger), you will give the person another chance but this time you think twice about it.
the last chance (middle finger), you wont give that person a fuck shit about whether he/she will change or not. that is why the middle finger is showing up. and if that person still don't change for the better, then just don't care about it. knowing that after 3 chances is given and still no change? forget it. no more chances given.
simple as that.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"handle life with the perspective of knowing what's next."
things has been happening and it still does. but i think that "there is light at the end of the tunnel"? i dont know. being hopeful? maybe? now my life is filled with question marks. until those are answered then i can be have my rest.
a best friend once said,
"there are solutions to everything. its either we want to look for the answer or just sit back and wait for it."
Saturday, December 19, 2009

"for those who understand, no explanation is needed. for those who don't, none will do."
i guess it was just all assumptions. the nature stuff about people is, just because we do certain things, others assume another thing. there is always two side of the story. if you only get hold one of it, then i suggest you to get to know the other.
just because they know one side of the story and they think its true, they think that is right. think properly. God gives us brain to think and act wisely. Not use to assume what you think is right.

another new year is coming up! another lepak session is happening. i think i know who to go out with. we'll see how though. last year's new years was with the fantastic crew of mine. was an out of the sudden plan and it went kinda well. (:
let's see what is happening this year.
Thursday, December 17, 2009

"just one more paper to go!"
been one hell of a week. dunno why but it seems to be extra tiring during this common test week. i think its due to the-late-night-studying-and-end-up-sleeping-in-the-end thingy. haha. but nvm tmr is the last paper and i just wanna get it done with as soon as possible then i will have 2 weeks of rest! WOOOHOOO! (:
"its a park, with this bottled-shape tree."
yes. i was there at the park with ash and airina on sunday, if im not wrong. was kinda bored so decided to meet them. they were at Northpoint when ash was msgging me and asked me to come down and meet them if im bored. so that's what i did.
met them at Northpoint and went to BTP to chill. there are pics taken. some are nice. photography quality. hehe. thanks to me! haha. but im only gonna post about 3 of them here though. (:
"you are what you eat. so eat nice food!"
went from ash dad's stall to Rasa-Rasa. at Rasa-Rasa is where the pictures which im gonna post at the end of this entry is taken from. so be dazzled and enjoy drooling! (:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

i believe that faith and patience will lead a person to somewhere if they are true enough to what they seek.
with faith, you are believing in it that it will happen sooner or later because with faith, comes truth. so if you are truthful with what you want and with good intentions, it will happen. god willing. so no matter what it takes, you know that you're gonna stand by it until it happens.
with patience, no amount of time is too long. you can wait as long as you want because if you really want that something, why not have the patience for it? however, don't take patience as an excuse for not thriving for what you want. when i say patience, it doesn't mean waiting for it til it comes to you. what im implying is, you have to get what you want and if you don't get it for the first time, you have to continue to work for it and not give up. that is what i meant by patience.
just remember that,
"that it's not really over until its really over."
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
"Just wanna share an old favourite of mine. Enjoy."
"Im just hanging by a moment for the moment........."
Monday, December 07, 2009

adapted from the movie of my all-time favourite, Army Daze.
"Love is like Fried Rice, you put all the little things in it like vegetables, egg, minced meat and etc. You gotta continue stirring, and the fire cannot too hot. If not it will get burnt!"
-Teo Ah Beng

"im so lost. im barely here. i wish i could explain myself but words escape me."
been a tiring week. and a few more weeks it would already be the holidays. i need those rest! been sleeping late due to assignments and projects. darn it. so this is how final year in poly is like. it may seems relaxed and slack but the assignments and projects are pilling up as we speak, without a doubt. so from now on, i gotta think about my schoolwork and get this diploma!
something that im looking forward to, something that i would want to happen and something that would certainly make me happy.