Had a CHALET class gathering during 15th-17th January! It was great especially when it comes to meeting up with the others! But sadly only about 7 of us were there on the first night as many could not come because of they either working or could not overnight for the full two nights.. Then the number increase by 7 to 15 on the second night.. Eventhough that not all could make it to the chalet, at least I could meet up with those I'm close to..
On the first night was mainly about eating and eating and eating! haha! But we did some activity like plainly playing poker cards, played the PS2(i brought it there), walk at the kelong area(where people do their fishing) and gossipping.. Then when we came back from the kelong, we saw Xueqi, Wee Teck and Ramlan at the front door of our chalet.. Then we all went in and have a chat.. Some of us were pissed at someone at that time but it wasn't with anyone of us.. Because of this PIECE OF SHIT, Xueqi need to go home! DAMN SHIT LA! But, anyways, we still have to have fun cos' its suppose to be a fun gathering.. Then the fun part when it comes at about 3.30am where we are all at the room.. We do not plan to sleep but just talk.. We took funny pictures together and joke around like we had not met for years.. Then Berd imitate our classmates and ask us to guess.. It was FREAKING funny la! haha! We talked till 5 plus then suddenly all of us became quiet.. Then all the snoring made the room like a zoo of people! haha..
Then the second day came.. We all woke up at nearly 11am.. We then went to have some breakfast and a cup of hot Milo.. Then Vern came along(im not sure about wad time it is..) Then at abt about 12noon, Aini, Xueqi and Shirin came to the chalet.. Then I can't recall wad happen till late afternoon.. But I can remember that somewhere in the late afternoon, we went to rent bicycle which we plan to do night cycling later on! Then when we came back from cycling at about evening, we start the BBQ and then Shahir, Ramu, Iylia and Celine came along! Finally the three jokers came and they start irritate people as usual.. haha! Then we went to rent more bikes for the three jokers and Celine.. Then after we came back, we ate some BBQ chix which is darn NICE! haha! At about 10.40pm we went to night cycling after Vern keep disturbing us and telling us to go(because that time Me, Shahir, Ramu and Afiq were playing the PS2! haha!).. We then start the night cycle.. There were 15 of us and when we went together, we look like some triads going to fight on bikes!(are there triads go to fights on bicycles?!) haha! By the time we came back from the night cycling, it was about 1am(i guess so!).. Then at our chalet, all took a shower(and its horrible if none of us took a shower)..
Then one horrible thing happen in the morning! Some bugger rang our door bell like no one business! We were all forced to wake up and check who it is.. It was the checker and we were told to check-out before 10.30am but its already 10.20am! We wasn't told of the check-out time so we assume that we could check-out in the afternoon! So we had to rush and return all bicycles..
Then when we were all ready, we went to return the bicycles and had breakfast at Tampines Mall! At about 2.30pm we were at the MRT to go home!
That's about all! I will post some of the pix we took at the next entry!