Monday, July 23, 2007

Been busy lately. So I didn't have the time to blog until now. Well, basically, life's been well with some ups and downs.

What's life without any ups and downs?!

But I hope that all the problems and troubles I'm facing now would eventually end soon. Anyway, let's talk about what I did today! Here we go....

Today is Monday! (obviously!) I was suppose to have Internet Application Development (IAD) Lab today but it was cancelled when I was on the way to school from Jurong!! I was freaking shocked and a lil' bit pissed but luckily I've got some other classmates that came to school with me. Once that Lab was cancelled, it means that I will have a 4 hours break!! That's freaking long!! During that break, some of my classmates and I went to book a room in the library and went there to chat. We chatted till 11.30am and then we are off to our next lecture.

After lecture, some of the guys in my class and I went to play pool at AMK central. It was to relax our mind from all those notes and lab sheets from school. After quite some time, we're off for HOME!! =D

*perhaps it's time for me to back off from it*

Monday, July 16, 2007


Behind every smiles and laughters

There's a sad story behind it.

I didn't how true it is until I

experience it myself....
*anyway, the picture above was taken on 2004/05.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


It seems that it wasn't meant to be
No wonder what I do, it seems stale
Maybe what my friend said is true
Or maybe that it's just a test
But i doubt so
The only thing I can do now is to let it go

Why does it always happen to me?
It is just too frustrating when I come to think about it
But to think it over again
At least I can laugh over the fact that
I'm trying to get something that's FAR within my reach

Friday, July 13, 2007

Now having lunch break. We're just done from our Creativity & Critical Project (CCT) tutorial. Some of my classmate did the presentation for CCT and they a marvelous job on presenting it. Clarity of their presentation has earn them some valuable points for their project. Best wishes to them for their project.

Now we have a 3 hours break. Our next lesson will be at 3pm and it is Digital Electronic Project module. One thing good about that module is that it does not have any test nor exam but there's alot of practical work to be done. Our lecturer gives us marks by accessing our work and report on every each of the given work.

After school, I have to stay back in school to do my English project with other two of my tutorial mates. We have to create an English game that would help Secondary School student with the game we produced. I dunno what Secondary School students are lacking in english but from what I know, many students in Secondary School students are quite weak in either their situational writing or comprehension. However, the motive of the project is that we have to use Vocabulary, Grammar, Phonetics & Singlish. We have to make 10 questions for every each of this sets of "thingy's".

Sunday, July 08, 2007


Been busy these past few days so didn't get to blog. So, here I am to continue blogging on what I've been doing. =D

Yesterday went to watch NDP with a few of my friends! It was the Family Day NDP Preview. The organization made that show to rehearsal for the actual NDP. Even though that a few of the singers, orchestra and choir was not present, it was still a wonderful experience to watch NDP at the new Marina Bay "Stadium". Anyway, over there the "Kallang Wave" was changed to "Marina Bay Wave". It doesn't sound nice though. I prefer if it was call "The Marina Wave". There was some primary 5 students there too! I remember the day that I was one of those Primary 5 students seating there while watching the extravagant event of the NATIONAL DAY and that was in 2000. After the show was over, my friends and I went to meet our friends, who are the motivators during the NDP, at Long John Silver at Marina Square. After that we parted ways to go home.

Next week will be the Week 13 of the Instruction Time weeks. That means that the handing over of the Projects will be up soon! I still have not done the English project! The Visual Basics Project & the Web Design Project are the ones that are done. I still have the English Project, the newly-informed Graphic Design Project and the Creativity & Critical Thinking (CCT) Project that are not done yet! English project is to be submitted by week 14-15 as well as the CCT Project. The dateline for the Graphic Design Project has yet to be told.

I heard from one of my lecturers that at the start of the next Semester, we have to bring along our Notebook almost everyday because our work is gonna be done in our Notebook itself. That means that my bag will have some added weights on it. ARGH!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Now in school!

Now having Graphic Design (GD).

The lecturer is giving us a lecture now. The GD lecturer just inform that he's gonna give us a PROJECT!! Now there's 5 projects for me to complete. Lucky for me, this is a group project. We've gotta do a storyboard thingy. We gotta draw some drawings and make a story out of it. It's like doing those animation thingy except that it's in paper form. I'll show the example in my next entry.

Today we're gonna celebrate Kenneth's belated birthday after school then off to work!


His birthday was yesterday but some of my classmates forgotten about it till Kevin and I reminded them. Haha!

Gotta go now coz lecturer saw me doing this entry!


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Now in school again! My friends and I waiting foy my other classmate so we could start doing our Digital Electronics Projects (DEP) report and if you guys wanna know what's DEP is about, it is about circuits and other stuffs regarding circuits, resistors and electricity. Our current report is about resistors. The DEP is more like about Physics except that it only concentrate more about circuits. (It's like I'm repeating myself! HAHAHA!)

Anyway, I can't wait to meet the 5A1 Cliques!! I really hope there'll be a gathering or outing soon!!

Monday, July 02, 2007


It's Youth Day yet there's school!

Just finished doing my JavaScript exercise.
Kinda difficult but still manageable.
Gotta work harder for it so that I could really understand
the whole commands and codes.

Gonna do my application for the Elective.
Gonna put
Japanese Language as my first choice
German Language as my second.
I'm not gonna take French as they are
no awarded points for taking that elective.

I just got the shocking news from Erwin!
We gotta hand in our English Project NEXT WEEK
we have not even started on it!
Betta start start on it tommorrow!!

Sunday, July 01, 2007


They say

If you love something let it go
and if it comes back then that's how you know
I got to the stop light then I made 4 rights
now I'm back where I started
and you're back in my life.

The further I go, the closer I get back to you
I say I moved on till I'm reminded of you

Can somebody help me?
Help me get out of this circle
Out of this circle?