Yesterday, three out of my 7 of my cats are being put away to another place near my stepdad's workplace because someone complain to the HDB that my house have too many cats! DAMN! I didn't know there are K-PO people at my block! DAMN YOU! HDB sent a warning letter saying that those cats are not suppose to be at my house no more! My stepdad will move the other 4 to he's fren's place. Gonna miss those cats!! And my favourite have to go too, which is Zorro! All my cats have names and their names are, Zorro, Boncet, Boboi, Gegerl, Tiger, Manje and Brownie! Haha! Out of all, only two of them I gave the names which is Zorro and Boncet! Haha! Here are the first three being sent out..

This were taken quite some time ago. I was sleeping on the sofa and when I woke up, they were on the table beside me! ahaha!